Round Barn Productions

The Round Barn Productions banner incorporates a representation of the product the site is offering. A custom site, the additional graphic is arranged to overlap the boundaries set by the menu bar and the content box, and, on this site, appears only on the home page.

Pet Food Copywriter

The Pet Food Copywriter banner is designed to fit the WordPress template chosen by the site owner.

John Knoepfle dot com

This website features three related banners. The one represented here is featured on the home page and those pages devoted to John's personal and professional life. There is a different Illinois landscape to accompany his poetry, and a third for prose. Color and stylization unify the theme. Visit John's site to see how a touch of diversity can enhance the different sections of your site.

Linscott Charter School

The banner for Linscott Charter School uses rollovers to animate the children. Roll over the letters to see it in action!

Montessori Schoolhouse

Montessori Schoolhouse of Springfield's banner highlights their program.

Mardi Gras

Celebrate! Here's a very playful and colorful banner for a single-page website promoting a special event. This banner, with minor revisions, would also work on posters, bumper stickers, and buttons, as well as on email, letterhead, brochures, postcards.....

Because this banner, like many others, uses a graphic to display type, (.html and your browser can't handle anything this fancy!) I will always include a non-displaying headline for those of your visitors who rely on text-readers or other non-graphic displaying devices.

Poetry in Motion

Poetry in Motion utilized a favorite watercolor, done by a friend, as a background graphic. This was adjusted into a repeating pattern so that it appears seamless no matter how large the window.

Lake Iroquois Association

Oh, to be at the lake in the summertime! A panorama of a place known by all members of this Wikispaces site brings them together to share and discuss all aspects of a common cause. As with the Wordpress site, colors and other features are customized throughout to provide a unified experience.

© Megan Trever Ryan: